Vanessa Angel and Febri Ardiansyah aka Bibi gave sweet memories to Ida Wida, the caretaker of Gala Sky Ardiansyah. Just before leaving for Surabaya, East Java, Vanessa and Bibi still had time to give a birthday surprise to their caregiver. Sejarah radio dan televisi
“At 5 am before leaving, my mother gave me a birthday surprise,” recalled Ida Wida when met at the funeral home in Kembangan, West Jakarta, Saturday (6/11).
Ida Wida never thought that Vanessa Angel and Bibi would die at a young age due to an accident. He was very surprised when he heard the news. He could hardly believe it. In his eyes, the married couple who had just been blessed with one child were good people and had concern for others. Siaran radio
He added that a number of people thought that Ida Wida was going to Surabaya with Vanessa and Bibi. “The other (caregiver) who joins,” said the woman wearing the hijab.
Ida Wida is grateful that in the midst of the deadly tragedy that occurred, Gala’s life was saved and she did not experience serious problems with her health condition. Acara televisi
He also asked the public to pray for Vanessa Angel and Bibi so that they would have a good place with God. In addition, Ida Wida also asked for prayers for the Gala.
“Just pray that Gala gets well soon and she can be sincere about this incident,” he said.
As previously reported, Vanessa Angel and her husband, Febri Andriansyah, had an accident at KM 672+400A Jombang Toll Road, East Java towards Surabaya, Thursday (4/11) afternoon, around 12.36 WIB. As a result of this incident, Vanessa and Febri died.
The bodies of Vanessa Angel and Bibi were taken from Surabaya to Jakarta by road, Thursday night. Their bodies were then buried in the Malacca Ulujami Islamic Cemetery, Pesanggrahan South Jakarta, Friday (5/11) morning. Both were buried side by side in a coffin. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga