Milano Lubis tells the story of Vanessa Angel, the wife of Aunt Ardiansyah, who was traumatized by setting foot in Surabaya, East Java.
As a friend, Milano Lubis knows very well that Vanessa does not want to return to Surabaya.
Read More: Before going to Surabaya, Vanessa Angel Gives a Surprise to the Gala Caregiver
It can’t be separated from Vanessa Angel’s past who was caught in legal trouble in the city. Sejarah radio dan televisi
“So he promised not to set foot again in Surabaya because he was traumatized,” Milano Lubis told the media recently.
Milano admitted that he was surprised when he saw Vanessa’s post, who had uploaded a photo in Surabaya.
[“I saw that there was a post, didn’t I. So I thought, why did he dare to go there? He’s not afraid to go to Surabaya?” he said. Siaran radio
Then, Milano was shocked when he received news that Vanessa died in a single accident on the Mojokerto-Jombang Toll Road, East Jaea with Bibi Ardiansyah, while heading to Surabaya.
“Tomorrow afternoon, oh, I’m sorry I said that. It was really hard. Because she (Vanessa) violated what she said,” he said.
However, Milano did not feel that the death of Vanessa Angel and her husband, Aunt Ardiansyah, was an unavoidable destiny of Allah SWT. Acara televisi
[“Just pray for the best for Vanessa and Aunt. May you be husnul khotimah,” said Milano Lubis.
Previously, Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah died in a single traffic accident on the Mojokerto-Jombang Toll Road, East Java, Thursday (4/11/2021) afternoon.
Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah had an accident while they were on their way to Surabaya, East Java along with a driver named Tubagus Joddy, Siska’s caregiver, and Gala Sky Ardiansyah.
However, Tubagus Joddy, Siska, and Gala Sky Ardiansyah survived the accident on the toll road and only suffered injuries. The victims who died were Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah have been buried in one grave at the TPU Malaka Islamic Center, Ulujami, South Jakarta, Friday (5/11/2021) morning.