Krisdayanti and tolerance seemed inseparable. He never hesitated to congratulate other religious people who were celebrating a big day. In fact, most recently, he rebuilt the church. Siaran radio
This touching story began when the singer of “Counting the Days” and “Try To Be Faithful” was visited by a priest from the outskirts of Malang district. He talked about the condition of his church.
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The house of worship and its office are said to have nearly collapsed. Far from worthy of worship. The priest’s outpouring moved the diva’s heart. Movie star Falling in Love Again takes real steps. Sejarah radio dan televisi
To find out the truth of the information circulating, please WhatsApp to the number 0811 9787 670 just by typing the desired keyword.
Krisdayanti renovated the church and its office so that local Christians can worship safely and comfortably. This moment was immortalized on his verified Instagram account, Thursday (14/10/2021). Acara televisi
“Last year, a priest from the end of Kab. Malang, Sidoasri Village approached me, telling me that in the village the condition of the Church and the Tambakasri Jamaat Christian Church Office is far from WORTH,” he wrote. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga