Not Always Smooth, It’s A Content Creator’s Career Just like a Roller Coaster

The word ‘content creator’ makes us think of someone who is creative and diligent in creating content on social media, which can inspire others. Therefore, content creators are often identified with a large number of followers. Not only that, content creators are also often seen as having a happy and comfortable life from what they appear on their social media. Siaran radio

In fact, this is not easy to achieve and you have to go through a lot of tortuous processes such as a roller coaster until a content creator becomes successful. At least this is what happened to Verina Ainiyyah, a Likee content creator who recently won the Likee Star Idol Season 3 contest. As an illustration, Likee Star Idol is a contest held by Singapore’s leading short video making platform, Likee, to find the most popular content creators. talented in Indonesia. This is Likee’s attempt to make it a platform for its users to show their talents and shine. Acara televisi

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In this contest, Verina, her nickname, not only brought victory for herself, but also nine other content creator friends who are members of the Queenze group, namely Tri Wulan Fitrianingrum, Salwa Andhara, Dinda Cassanova, Filiya Wijaya, Aura Zakkhaha, Olivia Christie, Lady Jasmine, Kenenza Davelynne, and Haura Lathifa. As the leader of the group, Verina always tries to motivate her team members to work and get first place in Likee Star Idol Season 3.

“I was quite shocked and didn’t think that we could go this far to even be ranked first with my group Queenze friends. This victory is an honor and a meaningful achievement for me as a content creator, ”said the teenage girl who was only 19 years old.

Before being as successful as now, Verina faced several challenges

According to Verina, the journey as a content creator is not as smooth and easy as it looks on a cellphone screen. Before becoming a successful content creator like today, Verina wandered the world of social media and looked for the right platform to channel her talents. Until finally he met Likee around 2019 and was able to get more than 1.8 million fans. Sejarah radio dan televisi

However, it’s not uncommon for Verina to have to deal with unpleasant comments from her viewers. This Jakarta-born child said that he had received negative comments several times, ranging from being called ‘alay’ to getting harsh criticism for his physicality and the results of the content he had produced. Fortunately, this didn’t discourage Verina. Verina remained strong and paid no heed to people’s hurtful words.

In fact, challenges also came from the closest people, namely her beloved mother, who still did not understand the content creator profession, which made Verina spend time struggling with social media. “When I started as a content creator, Mom was still wondering, ‘what are you doing?’ The point is doubtful, thought I was just playing around and wasting my time, and not prioritizing more useful activities. However, because I am slowly giving understanding and you have seen the results, now you are very supportive, ”said Verina.

Verina’s persistence allowed her to pay for her education from her own hard work

Hard work and persistence never betray the results. At least, Verina has shown it to us. Verina continues to showcase her talents and doesn’t tire of creating content even though people demonize her and are unsure of her abilities.

He is also disciplined and regularly creates content, but he doesn’t forget to prioritize his daily life as a student, namely studying. Verina manages her schedule by defining the days that she will create content and really focus on 2-3 hours of making videos, during which time she can create 20-30 content. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

As a result, currently Verina has managed to pay for her life, pay for college fees, and buy a private car from her income as a content creator.

“Alhamdulillah, now I can have my own income so I can pay for college. In my family, I was taught that education is the main thing. So, when you have money, don’t waste it first, but for education first, ”explained this cat-loving girl.

Originality number one

Verina revealed a little secret about being a successful content creator. He said that being a content creator must be brave to follow and show the passion and talent you have so that you are happy to run it. In addition, originality must be upheld, don’t just imitate the same things that other content creators do.

“Just follow the passion you have as long as it doesn’t harm others. You can relate the content theme you want to create with your daily life so that people can understand it more easily, ”he concluded.

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