Madame Destiny

Cara bermain slot madame destiny

1,​Tema dan Alur Cerita
Slot ini bertema okultisme.
Pemain akan disambut oleh peramal cantik Madame Destiny sendiri. Dihiasi syal eksotis dan gelang berornamen, dia mendongak dari bola kristal yang harus diklik pemain untuk memasuki permainannya.

Setelah pemain memasuki karavan gulungannya, mereka akan menemukan nasib mereka. Serangkaian simbol mistik berjaga-jaga di gulungan, dari kucing hitam hingga ramuan cinta.

Pemain akan merasa mudah untuk masuk ke suasana permainan ajaib ini.

Kemenangan besar Madame Destiny Megaways
Mega menang di mesin slot Madame Destiny Megaways

​2.Grafik, Suara dan Animasi
Soundtrack adalah nada dering dan melodi yang menghantui. Rasanya sesuai tema tetapi memiliki waktu penyelesaian yang singkat sehingga beberapa pemain mungkin bosan dengan itu. Bagi mereka, mudah untuk mematikan suara.

​Meskipun Madame Destiny yang diilustrasikan dengan indah hadir di awal permainan, dia tidak tetap berada di dekat gulungan untuk gameplay, melainkan hanya muncul di simbol Liar. Ini memalukan karena kehadirannya yang karismatik menambah banyak tema slot. Bagaimanapun, dia adalah karakter titulernya, jadi akan menyenangkan jika dia terus menjadi tuan rumah permainan.

Latarnya adalah hutan gelap yang dipenuhi bintang dan siluet pepohonan. Ini menciptakan suasana seram dan kontras untuk nada gulungan yang hangat dan cerah.

Gulungan itu sendiri berada dalam karavan yang diterangi oleh lentera yang berayun di kedua sisinya.

Simbol hewan menjadi sorotan dengan burung hantu yang tampak galak dan kucing hitam lucu yang mengintip ke arah para pemain. Lilin dan kartu tarot semuanya juga dianimasikan dengan indah.

Secara keseluruhan, grafik menambah energi yang mempesona ke slot ini.

Madame Destiny Megaways adalah slot online enam gulungan.

Dalam permainan ini, gulungan 1 dan 6 dapat memiliki sebanyak 7 simbol. Sementara itu, gulungan 2, 3, 4, dan 5 dapat memiliki sebanyak 8 simbol.

Berputar secara independen, baris atas gulungan 2, 3, 4 dan 5 berfungsi seperti gulungan terpisah.

Game ini menggunakan sistem Any Way Wins, artinya kemenangan diberikan untuk simbol pencocokan yang berdekatan di posisi mana pun pada gulungan, berjalan berurutan dari kiri ke kanan).

Jumlah maksimum cara untuk menang adalah total 200.704.

Game ini menggunakan fitur cascade, yang berarti setiap kali pemain menang, simbol pemenang menghilang. Simbol yang tersisa kemudian jatuh di gulungan dan setiap ruang kosong diisi dengan simbol baru.

Opsi Taruhan Ante berarti bahwa pemain dapat memilih pengganda taruhan. Nilai taruhan yang dipilih akan mengubah sifat permainan. Sebagai contoh:

pengganda taruhan x20: permainan normal
pengganda taruhan x25: peluang untuk memenangkan Putaran Gratis berlipat ganda dan lebih banyak simbol pencar akan ada di gulungan
Fitur ini dibatasi pada pengganda taruhan x5000 (maksimum): mencapai x5000 selama Putaran Putaran Gratis segera mengakhiri putaran, memberikan kemenangan, dan kehilangan putaran gratis yang tersisa.

4.Liar, Bonus, dan Putaran Gratis
Simbol Wild menggantikan semua simbol kecuali simbol Scatter. Simbol Wild hanya akan muncul di gulungan 2, 3, 4, 5, dan 6.

Ketika pemain memenangkan kombinasi menggunakan simbol Wild, kemenangan mereka dikalikan 2.

Pengganda Madame Destiny Megaways Kemenangan liar
Simbol liar menggandakan semua kemenangan
Fitur Free Spins diminta oleh simbol Scatter yang mungkin muncul di salah satu gulungan. Ketika simbol Scatter mendarat tiga kali atau lebih di mana saja pada gulungan, putaran putaran bebas dipicu.

Sebelum putaran gratis dimulai, Roda Keberuntungan yang memegang sejumlah putaran gratis dan pengganda akan muncul. Pemain akan menonton putaran roda dan secara acak menetapkan sejumlah putaran gratis serta pengganda yang akan diterapkan pada total kemenangan setiap putaran gratis.

Fitur Free Spin dapat dipicu kembali dengan mendaratkan tiga atau lebih simbol Scatter. Jika dipicu kembali, roda keberuntungan akan berputar sekali lagi, dan menambah penghargaan saat ini.

Pemain menggunakan gulungan khusus saat berada di putaran Free Spins.

5.Ukuran Taruhan, RTP dan Varians
Pengembalian ke pemain game ini adalah 96,56% (hingga 96,67% dengan Taruhan Ante), di atas tolok ukur kami untuk rata-rata sekitar 96%.

Kisaran taruhan di situs yang kami uji mulai dari taruhan minimum per putaran $/£/€0,20 hingga maksimum $/£/€100 per putaran.

Volatilitas game ini tinggi, yang membuatnya sangat cocok untuk strategi mesin slot pilihan kami. Strategi slot kami menargetkan volatilitas setinggi mungkin.

Pembayaran penuh Madame Destiny Megaways
Pembayaran penuh untuk slot Madame Destiny Megaways
Kami merekomendasikan RTP tinggi ini, slot bertema mistik volatilitas tinggi.

Statistik strategi yang sangat baik saja akan membuat game ini layak untuk dikunjungi, tetapi kesenangan dari tema meramal membuatnya sangat menarik.

Pemain akan menyukai suasana terpesona dan kemungkinan bonus yang bervariasi.

Slot Congo Cash

Cara bermain SloT Congo Cash

Bergabunglah dengan binatang buas di hutan Afrika tengah di slot Congo Cash, game bertema alam yang mudah berubah dari Wild Streak Gaming dan didukung oleh Pragmatic Play. Aksi dimainkan pada 5 gulungan, 432 cara untuk memenangkan mesin. Pada setiap putaran, perhatikan permata yang muncul di posisi teratas di 3 gulungan tengah, Papan Permata. Ini datang dengan nilai tunai, putaran gratis, dan jackpot hingga 2.000 x terpasang. Untuk mengaktifkan hadiah permata, Anda perlu mendaratkan hamburan pada gulungan 1 dan 5 dan simbol Uang Congo pada gulungan 2, 3 atau 4 pada putaran yang sama. Memicu putaran gratis dan setidaknya 1 liar ditambahkan pada setiap putaran gratis. Cari tahu lebih lanjut di ulasan rinci Congo Cash kami.

​Desain slot Congo Cash agak tidak biasa. Dengan tema hutan yang jelas, ada nuansa buku komik pada visual yang diwujudkan dengan baik. Ada kekayaan skema warna yang biasanya tidak Anda lihat di slot dengan tema ini.

Ada soundtrack gaya Afrika yang biasanya melenting saat Anda berputar, diselingi oleh tangisan hewan. Anda akan mendengar versi lengkap dari Beethoven’s Ode to Joy saat Anda memicu kemenangan besar.

Dengan bunga-bunga cerah dan hutan hijau di latar belakang, gulungan terdiri dari A hingga 10 bangsawan dan 5 simbol hewan yang membayar lebih tinggi. Yang terbaik dari mereka adalah gorila yang memberikan 0,5, 1, 2,5 atau 10 x total taruhan Anda jika Anda mendaratkan 2, 3, 4 atau 5 dalam kombinasi.

Berlian yang berkilauan itu liar. Ini hanya dapat muncul di gulungan 2, 3, 4 dan 5. Ini menggantikan semua simbol standar ketika menjadi bagian dari kombinasi pemenang. Yang melengkapi simbol adalah kupu-kupu yang dapat mendarat di gulungan 1 dan 5 dan simbol Uang Kongo yang dapat mengenai 3 gulungan tengah. Ini adalah kunci untuk membuka kunci fitur game yang akan kita lihat di bawah.

Perjalanan hutan ini tersedia untuk dimainkan di semua perangkat termasuk ponsel cerdas, tablet, komputer, dan laptop. Visual yang berani menonjol dengan baik di layar kecil. Aspek gimnya tidak terlalu rumit dan berfungsi dengan baik jika Anda bermain di perangkat dengan layar kecil.
Congo Cash

Congo Cash Games baru dari Pragmatic

Rilis terbaru Pragmatic Play disebut Congo Cash, dan membawa Anda dalam perjalanan ke hutan Afrika! Slot varians menengah ini sebenarnya dikembangkan oleh perusahaan bernama Wild Streak Gaming – tetapi didukung oleh Pragmatic Play, dan untuk tujuan kesederhanaan, kami akan menyebutnya sebagai slot Pragmatic Play untuk sisa ulasan ini.

Ada banyak hal yang terjadi – termasuk jackpot dalam game – dan format gulungan yang unik, dengan 432 cara untuk menang memastikan itu sesuatu yang sangat berbeda dari apa pun yang mungkin pernah Anda lihat sebelumnya! Mari kita mulai ulasan slot Uang Kongo ini dengan melihat grafik dan tema permainan.

Grafik Dan Tema
Congo Cash diatur jauh di dalam hutan Afrika, dan sementara – kami merasa – Pragmatic Play bisa berbuat lebih banyak dengan citra latar belakang, keseluruhan visual dan animasi gim ini terlihat cukup bagus. Karakter utama gim ini adalah Gorilla – simbol bayaran lebih tinggi – dan dia juga terlihat di sisi kiri gulungan, mendominasi ruang di atas tiga jackpot dalam gim.
RTP dan Volatilitas congo Cash
Dalam rilis terbaru, kami telah melihat Pragmatic Play benar-benar meningkatkan segalanya dalam hal volatilitas dan varians. Ini dilanjutkan, sampai tingkat tertentu, tetapi masuknya slot Megaways yang kami lihat dirilis oleh penyedia perangkat lunak – dan jelas bahwa audiens target pengembang game jelas menyukai slot varian tinggi ini.

congo Cash, bagaimanapun, sedikit berbeda – dan kami benar-benar merasa seolah-olah itu cocok dengan sisi varians yang lebih menengah, meskipun membawa beberapa jackpot dan kemenangan maksimum yang relatif terhormat 5.500X taruhan Anda. Alasan kami percaya bahwa game ini memiliki varian sedang adalah karena fakta bahwa hit selama game dasar cukup umum – dan, dari pengalaman kami, ronde bonus tampaknya cukup sering dipicu, jadi Anda tidak perlu menunggu lama untuk mulai melihat aksi permainan!

Sekarang, ketika datang ke RTP congo Cash, kami juga sangat terkejut; Pragmatic Play mengirimkan game dengan RTP default 96,51%, yang di atas rata-rata di industri iGaming saat ini.

Fitur Bonus
Ada banyak hal yang terjadi di congo Cash, meskipun pada awalnya mungkin tidak terlihat seperti itu; ini karena semua bonus dan fitur permainan dipicu/diaktifkan melalui satu bonus, fitur Papan Permata, yang detailnya akan kami bahas di bawah.

Fitur Papan Permata
Saat Anda melihat tata letak unik Uang Tunai congo, Anda akan melihat bahwa di bagian atas gulungan 2, 3 dan 4 ada tiga posisi – masing-masing menampilkan hadiah tertentu. Pada setiap putaran selama permainan dasar, masing-masing posisi ini akan menampilkan tiga hadiah potensial, dan ini termasuk:

Hadiah uang tunai, senilai antara 5X dan 100X total taruhan Anda
Sejumlah putaran gratis, berkisar antara 8 dan 100
Jackpot Kecil, senilai 25X taruhan Anda
Jackpot Utama, senilai 100X taruhan Anda
Grand Jackpot, senilai 2.000X taruhan Anda
Sekarang, untuk memenangkan salah satu dari hadiah ini, Anda harus mendaratkan dua simbol Kupu-kupu pada gulungan satu dan lima, serta simbol Uang Kongo pada gulungan 2, 3 atau 4. Anda kemudian akan diberikan hadiah di atas hadiah tersebut. Simbol Uang Kongo – dan dimungkinkan untuk mendapatkan antara satu dan tiga hadiah dalam satu putaran.

Putaran Gratis
Jika Anda berhasil memicu bonus putaran gratis (dengan mendaratkan simbol Uang Kongo di bawah sejumlah putaran gratis selama permainan dasar utama), maka Anda akan memicu fitur permainan gratis. Di sinilah segalanya mulai menjadi cukup menarik, dan pada setiap putaran, satu liar ditambahkan ke gulungan yang benar-benar memicu putaran bonus.

Ingat, mungkin untuk memulai fitur dengan antara 8 dan 100 putaran bebas – jadi jika Anda berhasil mendapatkan cukup banyak, dan memicu fitur dengan lebih dari satu gulungan, dimungkinkan untuk mengisi tiga gulungan tengah sepenuhnya dengan simbol liar !

Terlebih lagi, selama bonus free-spins, bonus Jewel Board juga dimainkan, jadi Anda mungkin diberikan lebih banyak putaran gratis, hadiah uang tunai, dan jackpot apa pun yang ditawarkan. Gim gratis dimainkan hingga Anda kehabisan putaran, atau hingga Anda berhasil mencapai batas kemenangan maksimum gim (5.500X taruhan Anda) di mana putaran bonus akan berakhir dan Anda akan kembali ke gim dasar reguler.

Ulasan Uang congo
Pragmatic Play telah berkembang pesat selama beberapa tahun terakhir, dan mereka telah merilis hit demi hit, dengan cepat naik menjadi salah satu pemimpin pasar di industri iGaming. Misalnya, permainan seperti Madame Destiny dan Peking Luck menunjukkan bahwa slot mereka mampu membayar sejumlah besar uang – dan sementara Congo Cash mungkin tidak dapat menandingi judul-judul ini dalam hal kemenangan maksimal (jumlah total yang dapat Anda menangkan dari satu putaran adalah 5.500X taruhan Anda), ini adalah upaya yang sangat layak dari penyedia perangkat lunak.

Kami menyukai fakta bahwa slot menawarkan gameplay yang halus – dan bersama dengan grafik, animasi, dan efek suara yang tampak hebat, Congo Cash melakukan pekerjaan yang sangat baik untuk memberikan apa yang diinginkan pemain; menyenangkan, bercampur dengan potensi menang yang luar biasa!
Kami juga sangat menyukai fakta bahwa ada dua bonus – dan mungkin satu-satunya keluhan kami tentang slot adalah fakta bahwa bonus putaran gratis hanya dapat dipicu melalui fitur Papan Permata. Kami ingin jika mungkin untuk memicu putaran bonus free-spin sendiri, tetapi ini bukan akhir dari dunia, dan tentu saja tidak menghilangkan pengalaman bermain secara keseluruhan.

FAQ Slot congo cash

1.Apakah ada putaran bonus putaran gratis di Kongo Cash?

Ya. Congo Cash berisi bonus putaran gratis, meskipun satu-satunya cara untuk memicu fitur ini adalah melalui babak bonus Papan Permata, detailnya akan kami bahas di pertanyaan berikutnya. Dimungkinkan untuk memulai bonus putaran gratis dengan sebanyak 100 putaran gratis, dan wild tambahan menambah potensi kemenangan bonus!

2.Bagaimana cara kerja putaran bonus Papan Permata?

Setelah dipicu, bonus Papan Permata mampu memberi Anda sejumlah besar hadiah dan fasilitas yang berbeda. Misalnya, ini dapat memberi Anda hadiah uang tunai – senilai hingga 100X total taruhan Anda – bersama dengan sejumlah putaran gratis, atau bahkan salah satu jackpot dalam game yang ditawarkan. Untuk memicu putaran bonus ini, Anda harus mendaratkan simbol pencar di tiga gulungan tengah dalam putaran selama permainan dasar. Melakukannya akan memberikan entri instan ke putaran bonus.

3.Berapa kemenangan maksimum congo Cash?

Congo Cash menawarkan kemenangan maksimum yang lumayan dari 5.500X total taruhan Anda; ini berarti, misalnya, jika Anda memainkan slot dengan taruhan £1, jumlah uang maksimum yang dapat Anda menangkan dalam satu putaran adalah £5,5000. Untuk mencapai kemenangan maksimum ini, Anda harus sangat beruntung selama putaran bonus Papan Permata – karena di sinilah sebagian besar RTP slot terkunci.

4.What’s the RTP of Congo Cash?

We were pleasantly surprised to learn that the RTP of Congo Cash comes in above average, with the game developer shipping the slot with a default RTP of 96.51%. However, as we noted elsewhere in this Congo Cash slot review, the variance of the slot is incredibly high, and the vast majority of the big wins come from the bonus round – so be aware that you’re unlikely to hit anything too impressive during the base-game.


Pragmatic Play, penyedia konten game terkemuka untuk industri game, telah mengumumkan kesepakatan untuk menyediakan slot dan portofolio permainan mejanya ke BPlay di Buenos Aires.

Kemitraan ini adalah salah satu dari banyak kesepakatan komersial yang diumumkan oleh pemasok setelah otorisasi baru-baru ini dari dewan pengatur untuk Kota Buenos Aires dan menandai langkah lebih lanjut dalam ekspansinya di pasar yang berkembang pesat.

BPlay adalah operator mapan merek berbasis darat dan online di Amerika Latin dan salah satu yang tertua di industri Argentina. Para pemainnya akan segera dapat menikmati judul-judul pemasok paling populer di negara ini seperti Congo Cash dan Madame Destiny.

Wakil Presiden Amerika Latin Pragmatic Play, Victor Arias, mengatakan: “Sangat penting untuk bermitra dengan operator terkemuka di yurisdiksi mana pun tempat kami pindah dan BPlay sesuai dengan tagihan itu. Slot online dan permainan meja kami akan meningkatkan proposisi yang sudah kuat dan kami menantikan untuk melihat bagaimana reaksi pemain mereka terhadap judul kami.

Sebastian Puente dari BPlay mengatakan: “Sejalan dengan strategi pertumbuhan kami, kami berusaha untuk memastikan konten terbaik dari pengembang industri terkemuka untuk mempertahankan posisi kami di garis depan pasar. Berbagai slot dan permainan meja Pragmatic Play merupakan bagian integral dalam mencapai tujuan itu.”

Pragmatic Play saat ini memproduksi hingga lima judul slot baru setiap bulan, sementara juga menghadirkan permainan Live Casino dan Bingo sebagai bagian dari portofolio multi-produknya, tersedia melalui satu API tunggal.


Q&A dengan Habanero slot Games

Habanero adalah salah satu penyedia pertama yang memasukkan katalog slot online gratis kami dan bahkan saat ini mesin slot mereka termasuk yang paling banyak dimainkan oleh pengguna kami. Untuk alasan ini kami menghubungi bang jago, Business Development Executive di Habanero selama lebih dari dua tahun sekarang, untuk mengobrol dan mengenal pengembang ini lebih dekat.

Habanero adalah rumah perangkat lunak dengan aktivitas lebih dari sepuluh tahun dan katalog mereka mencakup permainan slot, permainan meja, dan video poker untuk lebih dari 100 permainan. Mereka memiliki bisnis di 16 pasar yang berbeda, dari Eropa hingga Asia, tetapi tidak hanya. Habanero baru-baru ini menandatangani perjanjian penting dengan Betway Africa, memastikan distribusi permainannya juga di benua ini. Selain itu, pasar Amerika Latin juga menghadirkan banyak peluang pengembangan bagi operator ini.

Dengan bang jagokami berbicara tentang kesuksesan internasional Habanero, alasan yang membuat mereka melakukan ekspansi internasional ini, tetapi kami juga meminta beberapa pratinjau dan berita!

Hai Bang jago! Bagaimana Anda menggambarkan misi Anda? Apakah Anda memiliki filosofi tertentu saat memproduksi game Anda?

Misi kami adalah menawarkan produk dan layanan terbaik kepada operator kami dengan melayani penggemar slot dan permainan meja, dan kami percaya bahwa inti dari produk hebat selalu bermuara pada matematika dan gameplay.

Kami fokus untuk memproduksi kira-kira satu rilis baru setiap bulan dengan bantuan dari tenaga kerja yang berdedikasi untuk memberikan pengalaman pengguna terbaik, memastikan bahwa matematika yang digunakan asli, dan grafik serta suaranya sempurna.

Saat ini Anda memiliki bisnis di Eropa dan baru-baru ini Anda memperkuat posisi Anda juga di Afrika dengan kesepakatan penting dengan Betway Afrika. Apa perbedaan terbesar yang Anda perhatikan di pasar yang heterogen seperti itu di tingkat pemasaran?

Di Habanero, pengalaman menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa permainan yang benar-benar hebat dapat menjadi populer di mana pun dimainkan, terlepas dari budaya unik yang dipamerkan di berbagai wilayah di seluruh dunia. Ambil contoh Scopa hit kami yang tak lekang oleh waktu – ini dicintai oleh semua orang di Italia saat diluncurkan pada tahun 2020 karena mewakili permainan kartu klasik dan tak lekang oleh waktu yang dikenal dan disukai orang Italia.

Meskipun demikian, kami tidak mengharapkannya untuk meledak seperti itu, dengan semua orang di luar Italia di pasar global menyukai permainan ini karena memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang budaya salah satu negara paling menarik di dunia dan tujuan wisata ikonik.

Seperti yang saya katakan, ini bukan tentang pemasaran yang dilokalkan, tetapi lebih tentang menciptakan pengalaman yang dapat dikenali dan dinikmati oleh setiap pemain di seluruh dunia, memberi mereka cita rasa sejati dunia Habanero yang indah.

Dari segi konten, apakah Anda memperhatikan perbedaan antara satu pasar dengan pasar lainnya? Apakah menurut Anda ada perbedaan tertentu dalam apa yang disukai pemain LatAm dan Eropa misalnya?

Di LatAm, warisan kasino darat bahkan lebih kuat daripada di Eropa, jadi untuk saat ini, permainan klasik dan permainan meja lebih populer di LatAm daripada Eropa karena mereka mewakili warisan tanah yang sangat dikenal para pemain.

Di sebagian besar Eropa, pasar yang lebih matang mengharuskan RTP produk Kasino lebih tinggi daripada di LatAm. Namun, ini tidak berarti bahwa pemain LatAm terbiasa dengan RTP yang lebih rendah, melainkan menunjukkan bahwa mereka lebih terbiasa dengan tingkat pembayaran berbasis darat. Oleh karena itu, pemirsa LatAm lebih terbiasa dengan produk yang terasa berbeda dan karenanya tidak terlalu menuntut RTP yang lebih tinggi.

Menurut Anda apa yang menjadi kunci kesuksesan internasional Anda?

Kuncinya adalah fakta bahwa kami ingin menjaga segala sesuatunya tetap sederhana – mulai dari produk hingga model bisnis hingga tim internal kami – semuanya tentang berdedikasi dan seefisien mungkin tanpa membuat hal-hal rumit yang tidak perlu. Semua yang kami lakukan disederhanakan untuk memberikan produk dan layanan terbaik kepada mitra kami.

Judul kami menampilkan matematika yang kuat dan inovatif, grafik yang kaya, dan alur cerita yang benar-benar imersif. Semua ini, digabungkan dengan UI intuitif, memungkinkan kami untuk memberikan petualangan yang dipesan lebih dahulu kepada para pemain kami yang menunjukkan kepada mereka yang terbaik dari apa yang kami tawarkan. Dedikasi yang kami berikan untuk menghadirkan pengalaman gameplay terbaik di pasar benar-benar terpancar dalam segala hal yang kami lakukan.

Apa slot paling inovatif di katalog Anda sejauh ini?

Kami menaruh banyak perhatian pada tradisi dalam pengembangan dan praktik penelitian kami karena kami percaya bahwa permainan yang sukses adalah tentang mencapai keseimbangan yang cermat antara inovasi dan tradisi.

Tentu saja, kami ingin memperkenalkan game baru yang inovatif untuk audiens baru karena dipenuhi dengan banyak pemain generasi berikutnya. Produk seperti Orbs of Atlantis, yang telah terpilih untuk Penghargaan SBC, adalah contoh yang bagus untuk ini, menunjukkan bahwa ini semua tentang mengambil sesuatu yang tradisional dan menawarkan sentuhan inovatif baru.

Hot Hot Fruit adalah salah satu favorit saya jika saya harus memilih, karena menampilkan model matematika kami yang hebat dan pemikiran yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan produk populer, tanpa perlu memperkenalkan grafik atau elemen lain yang sangat berbeda dari slot. Di Habanero, ini semua tentang mengambil dari apa yang berhasil dan tetap setia pada disiplin inti permainan slot, menawarkan sentuhan baru yang menarik pada ide-ide yang telah terbukti.

Bagaimana Anda membayangkan masa depan permainan mesin slot? Dan teknologi baru apa yang menurut Anda akan membentuk panorama iGaming?

Bagi saya, gamification akan melihat ekspansi terbesar di tahun-tahun mendatang, dan inspirasi dari video game akan menjadi penting di sini. Kami tidak percaya bahwa sepuluh tahun ke depan akan murni tentang inovasi karena tidak akan mampu mempertahankan dirinya sendiri – melainkan semua tentang membangun prinsip slot yang sudah ada yang telah disukai semua orang dan menawarkan versi baru dari slot. sama. Lagi pula jika matematika, gameplay, dan pengalaman imersif tepat sasaran, apa yang tidak disukai?

Teknologi juga menawarkan banyak peluang yang telah kita lihat tercermin dalam momentum gamification yang telah berkembang di industri ini. Hal ini memengaruhi peluncuran baru-baru ini dari turnamen dan widget gamifikasi kami yang diperbarui “Naik”, yang pasti akan menyenangkan bagi mitra dan pemain kami.

Apakah Anda memiliki berita menarik untuk pembaca kami? Mungkin tentang rilis khusus baru untuk Natal?

Kami punya beberapa berita bagus untuk periode perayaan! Habanero akan meluncurkan rilis lain dalam beberapa minggu mendatang, dan selain itu, kami juga akan menambah koleksi slot bertema perayaan yang terkenal di dunia!

Slot bertema liburan kami telah terbukti sangat populer sepanjang tahun secara global, jadi kami senang menambahkan yang baru ke dalam campuran. Kali ini tentang Malam Tahun Baru, nantikan dan pantau terus berita peluncurannya. Ini akan ke pesta untuk diingat!


Doddy Sudrajat Will Report Fuji to Police for Alleged Defamation, Haji Faisal: We Are Not Afraid

The feud between Doddy Sudrajat and Haji Faisal is heating up. Recently, Doddy Sudrajat wants to report Haji Faisal’s daughter, Fuji, on suspicion of the ITE Law. In this regard, Aunt Ardiansyah’s father responded to the threat. Faisal said that there was nothing wrong in the video uploaded by Fuji. In addition, according to Faisal, his daughter did not mention Doddy Sudrajat’s name in the video. “If he (Doddy Sudrajat) has seen the video clearly, what’s wrong? and begging,” said Faisal, quoted by Grid.ID from Esge Entertainment’s Youtube channel, Monday (27/1/2021). Faisal also felt that there was nothing to be afraid of. Because his family did not commit crimes against anyone. Sejarah radio dan televisi

Read More: The Source of Tariq Halilintar’s Wealth, Income from Youtube to Endorsements

“We didn’t do anything wrong, why should we be afraid? My son didn’t do what they accused him of,” said Doddy Sudrajat. We didn’t do anything wrong, we also didn’t feel guilty, so there was nothing to be afraid of.” Doddy once held a press conference. The father of three children had expressed his disappointment over the circulation of Fuji’s video that scared Gala Sky with the words ‘Watch out for Dodot.’ Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

Siaran radio He considered, the existence of the video was outrageous. “Just one word, how savage. He treats my grandson like that,” said Faisal. That’s why Doddy and his attorney Sunan Kalijaga intend to report Aunt Ardiansyah’s sister. Acara televisi

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The Source of Tariq Halilintar’s Wealth, Income from Youtube to Endorsements

Lately, the source of Tariq Halilintar’s wealth has been widely discussed by netizens. One of the members of the Halilintar Gen family is being talked about because he has an extraordinary income.

Gen Halilintar is now one of the influencer families that has a lot of attention. Recently, the name Tariq Halilintar emerged after he was reported to be close to Fuji, the sister-in-law of the late Vanessa Angel. Sejarah radio dan televisi

Read More: Worldly Permantanan Gathering Together, Gading Marten is caught embracing Wijin after breaking up with Gisel while singing the song ‘Go Love’, Feeling the same fate?

Besides being handsome and surrounded by many beautiful women, here summarizes Tariq Halilintar’s sources of income and wealth:

It’s not only Atta Halilintar who has a YouTube channel. Tariq Halilintar also has his personal YouTube channel, which shows various interesting content. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

Tariq Halilintar also has many subscribers. Since this article was published, the number of Tariq’s subscribers has reached 4.5 million people. Siaran radio

With this number of subscribers reaching millions, of course YouTube is one of Tariq’s promising sources of income.

Family Business
Not only working on YouTube, Tariq Halilintar also has a business. The Halilintar family really educates their children from an early age to get to know more about business from an early age. So, now Tariq Halilintar also holds the business run by his family. This can also be a source of income for Tariq Halilintar. Acara televisi

Invitation from Television
After his family was famous and received a lot of attention, Tariq Halilintar became one of the most invited influencers on television shows. This television invitation could be a way for him to earn money from other sources.

Tariq Halilintar has many followers on his Instagram social media. Since this article was written, Tariq already has 4 million followers on Instagram. With so many followers, it is certain that endorsement services can be one of Tariq’s sources of income.

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Worldly Permantanan Gathering Together, Gading Marten is caught embracing Wijin after breaking up with Gisel while singing the song ‘Go Love’, Feeling the same fate?

Gisella Anastasia and Wijaya Saputra aka Wijin’s love affair finally ran aground in the middle of the road. The news of the breakup of Gisella Anastasia and Wijin, Gisella Anastasia’s nickname and Wijin, even shocked many people. How not, Gisel and Wijin have always been seen together and support each other. Even when Gisel Beset by the problem of the exciting video case, Wijin remained loyal to his lover. But what can I say, the rice has turned into porridge and the separation was based on a mutual agreement. Sejarah radio dan televisi

Read More: Breakup with Gisel, Wijin Sings ‘pergilah kasih’ with Gading Marten

Even so, Gisel admitted that his relationship with Wijin is still good even though they are no longer a couple. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga Meanwhile, recently launched from the Indosiar YouTube channel which was uploaded on Monday (12/20/2021), after breaking up with Gisel, Wijin was found to have chosen to meet Gading Marten in Bali. For your information, Gading Marten himself is the ex-husband of Gisella Anastasia. On that occasion, a video circulated of Gading Marten and Wijin singing together. Behind the two of them there was also a large Christmas tree decoration and several people singing together. play a musical instrument. Siaran radio

Gading Marten and Wijin even wore matching clothes, namely white. There was no sad expression on Wijin’s face. Wijin and Gading even carried each other when singing a song called ‘Go Love’. Suddenly this surprised the public. In addition, it seems that the song was also sung by Gading Marten after his divorce from Gisel. And now, Wijin and Gading Marten are actually singing it together. Acara televisi

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Breakup with Gisel, Wijin Sings ‘pergilah kasih’ with Gading Marten

Wijaya Saputra’s romantic relationship with Gisella Anastasia ran aground. This news has even been confirmed directly by Gisel. Sejarah radio dan televisi

Gisel admitted that actually Wijin’s relationship had ended a long time ago. But he just shared the news now.

Read More: Asmirandah Opens Up Reasons for Changing Religions, While Crying

“Yes, they are going their own way. (Breaking up) it’s been a long time but I didn’t count it and just posted it to the public now,” said Gisel.

On the other hand, Wijin did not give any statement regarding the ending relationship with Gisel. Finally, he only shared photos and written words of wisdom about God’s destiny. Siaran radio

“When something good happens, God is good. And when something bad happens, God is good. Although it’s hard to say, but it’s true. Even if and especially when… God is still good,” wrote WIjin on Instagram which was uploaded on Saturday (18/12). Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

Gading Marten and Sesame

However, a surprising moment was shown by Wijin after breaking up with Gisel. He even looks engrossed in gathering with Gading Marten, Gisel’s ex-husband.

Wijin was also seen taking a photo with Gading in an upload on Instagram Stories. In addition, Wijin was also seen singing with Gading at a Christmas celebration.

Wijin and Gading looked engrossed in singing Chrisye’s song entitled Go Love. This song is exactly the same as the one sung by Gading when he was officially divorced from Gisel. Acara televisi

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Asmirandah Opens Up Reasons for Changing Religions, While Crying

Asmirandah was publicly blasphemed for converting to religion. Eight years after marrying Jonas Rivanno, the actress who is familiarly called Andah dares to be outspoken about her experience of changing religions. Sejarah radio dan televisi

Read More: Not Imprisoned for Polite Reasons, Rachel Vennya Makes Netizens Angry and Trending Topic

This was revealed by Andah when he appeared on the Daniel Mananta Network YouTube channel. Together with her husband, she testified that her heart was initially touched when she chose to become a Christian.

According to him, he changed religion because he felt called by God. He felt the great power of God who had chosen him. Siaran radio

“I didn’t choose God, the Lord Jesus chose me. The holy spirit that is inside of me really exists. It’s hard to explain, how big God is in my life, how God touched me is really hard to tell people. I feel it. Even Vanno may not be able to feel it,” said Asmirandah while holding back tears.

At that time, Andah felt he had the right to choose his belief because he was already 17 years old at that time.

“I chose my belief, it was my right. And at that time I was already over 17 years old. And it was indeed my right to choose and no one person should have ‘you can’t choose that’, it doesn’t exist,” added you. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

The mother of one also emphasized that she became a follower of Christ not because she married Vanno. Even during courtship, the husband never discussed or forced matters of religion.

“And when I really chose it, people might see it ‘you are married to Vanno’. But he (Vanno) never discussed religion with me. My choice was really from the bottom of my heart. A lot of insults what happened, I just said ‘yes, this is my choice’,” he concluded. Acara televisi

Jonas Rivanno added that he never asked Andah to be baptized. You yourself asked to be baptized.

“When Andah was baptized, I didn’t know he asked for it. He asked first to be baptized. During my courtship I never talked about faith, I never even played a spiritual song, never,” said Vanno.

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Not Imprisoned for Polite Reasons, Rachel Vennya Makes Netizens Angry and Trending Topic

Rachel Venya and her lover, Salim Nauderer were sentenced to 4 months in prison with 8 months probation. Even though he was found guilty for running away during quarantine, the celebrity two children did not go to jail. Rachel will be jailed if she commits a felony during her eight-month probationary period.

In his verdict, the judge said that what was mitigating was Rachel frankly admitting her actions and being cooperative during the legal process. Sejarah radio dan televisi

“The thing that makes it easier for the defendant to admit his actions frankly, the defendant is not complicated in giving information at trial, the defendant is polite at trial,” said the judge during the trial for reading the verdict on the Rachel Vennya case at the Tangerang District Court, Friday (10/12).

Read More: Tamara Bleszynski’s Child Doesn’t Know Her Mother Artist: She Only Knows Mama Owns a Stall

The judge’s reasoning for being polite and cooperative during the investigation apparently made netizens angry and disappointed. This makes netizens busy making voices on social media to occupy the trending topic on Twitter.

Netizens are busy tweeting loud innuendos for Indonesian law and Rachel. There were even those who were provoked by emotion because the ex-wife of Niko Al Hakim or Okin was not imprisoned. Siaran radio

“The judge was very kind to Rachel Vennya, 1. The sentence was commuted because it was polite and the answer was not complicated. 2. Not imprisoned and only given a probationary period of 8 months. In this case, it’s better if all cases in Indonesia are commuted, the sentences are basically polite,” he tweeted. netizens on Twitter criticized.

“Rachel Ven is furious. If she becomes an active endorser on IG and the plagues spread again, it’s a mental illness to support it,” snapped the netizen.

“Come on, let’s unfollow Buna aka Rachel Vennya, there’s no need to be an influencer,” said another netizen.

Previously he was named a suspect for allegedly violating Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine and or Article 14 of Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Disease Outbreaks. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

On several occasions, Rachel Vennya admits what she did was a mistake. He reasoned that he did not complete the quarantine until it was finished after returning from the United States because he missed his children.

The presiding judge decided that Rachel Vennya and three other people were proven to have violated Article 9 paragraph 1 and or obstructed the implementation of health quarantine, thereby causing a public health emergency, as regulated and threatened with crime in article 93 junto article 9 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning health quarantine in conjunction with article 55 paragraph 1 1 of the Criminal Code. Acara televisi

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Tamara Bleszynski’s Child Doesn’t Know Her Mother Artist: She Only Knows Mama Owns a Stall

Tamara Bleszynski again shows her closeness with her child, Kenzou Lion Bleszynski. They took a photo together under the words “Sweet Tea”, a shop owned by Tamara Bleszynski.

Not only showing photos, Tamara Bleszynski also tells the views or assessments of children towards her. According to Tamara, Kenzou does not view his mother as an artist. Sejarah radio dan televisi

Read More: Gaga Muhammad Arrested After Paralyzing Laura Anna in Accident

All this time, Kenzou only knew that his mother was just a woman who owned a shop. Not without reason, Kenzou has this assessment because he did not live in the heyday of Tamara Bleszynski as an artist.

“In Kenzou’s eyes, I am nothing, (not a person) famous, because he did not live in that time or in those days. But he lives in the moment, here, now. And all he knows, that his mother only has warung @tehmanisbali,” wrote Tamara Bleszynski. Siaran radio

Tamara Bleszynski then thanked her baby for always providing such sincere support and love.

“Thank you my dear son, who still loves me and supports me as I am,” wrote Tamara.

A series of netizens were apparently moved to see Tamara Bleszynski’s confession. They also provide support for Tamara. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

“From that time until now, I will always support you, sis @tamarableszynskiofficial because you idolize not only because you are famous and accomplished, but more because your good figure inspires you,” wrote Venny. Acara televisi

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Gaga Muhammad Arrested After Paralyzing Laura Anna in Accident

Gaga Muhammad is now a defendant in a traffic crime case. Currently, Awkarin’s former lover is also undergoing detention. Sejarah radio dan televisi

This was conveyed by the Public Relations of the East Jakarta District Court, Alex Adam Faisal. The trial for the case has also been carried out at the East Jakarta State Court.

Read More: This is Nikita’s sharp criticism of donations to buy a Rp3 billion Gala House

“In this case the defendant was detained and yesterday, according to the confirmation from the substitute clerk that this case was tried yesterday,” said Alex in his office, Monday (6/12). Siaran radio

The owner’s real name is Echo of Muhammad’s Word of Nature, previously reported by Laura Anna. His ex-girlfriend reported Gaga for causing an accident that left him paralyzed.

“So it was Laura who reported to the police, to the investigators. Because it is considered to have fulfilled the requirements, fulfilled the elements, the investigators transferred the case to the public prosecutor,” he said.

“But it is the public prosecutor who hears this case, because the prosecutor is the representative of the state. It’s different if it’s civil,” added Alex. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

The trial was held online. However, said Alex, Laura had also attended the trial and was being questioned.

“Laura and her mother have been questioned as witnesses,” said Alex.

Furthermore, Alex said that Gaga Muhammad was charged with a single charge. By the public prosecutor, Gaga was charged with article 310 paragraph 3 of the law on road traffic and transportation.

“So the bottom line is an accident that causes serious injuries,” he concluded. Acara televisi

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This is Nikita’s sharp criticism of donations to buy a Rp3 billion Gala House

The house donation for the Gala, which was initiated by the friend of the late Vanessa Angel, Marissya Icha, reaped the pros and cons. Sharp criticism of the donation came from artist Nikita Mirzani.

Read More: Nagita Slavina’s second child towel and Raffi Ahmad highlighted netizens, the price was unexpected

Nikita actually doesn’t have a problem with the initiative of the fundraiser, only Nikita mentions that Vanessa Angel’s daughter, Gala Sky Andriansyah, has received a lot of help. Sejarah radio dan televisi

Nikita gives advice to not only focus on Gala alone. The reason is, there are still many other orphans outside who need the help of many people.

Moreover, it is known that donations for the gala house have a target of up to IDR 3 billion. Where the number is quite large. Siaran radio

“That’s actually good, but it would be better if you help people in remote areas, children who need education, it’s hard to even eat,” said Nikita on her Instagram stories, quoted Friday, December 3, 2021.

According to Nikita, Gala is currently being cared for by Vanessa and Bibi’s family, both of whom are still able to work. Nikita assessed that many other orphans had to struggle to be able to eat and seek treatment. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

“They are also orphans. There are also children who have to struggle with their illness. They are also from poor families, who need a lot for treatment. Why don’t you help them,” said Nikita Mirzani.

Not wanting to just focus on the Gala, the mother of three is now opening donations to help other children who are flooded in Kalimantan. This, he did as a form of support to help other children who also need help.

To note, Marissya Icha has opened house donations for Gala since November 26, 2021. It has not been a week since the donations have been opened, the total that has been obtained as of December 2, 2021 has reached Rp. 1.8 billion.

Later, the money from the donation will be used to buy the house that Vanessa and Bibi have been living in. The house has a market price of Rp. 3 billion rupiah. Acara televisi

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Nagita Slavina’s second child towel and Raffi Ahmad highlighted netizens, the price was unexpected

Born as the second child of the artist’s pair Nagita Slavina and Raffi Ahmad, Baby R who was newborn today has stolen the attention of the general public including netizens in the virtual universe of course. Sejarah radio dan televisi

Like the style of the mother’s appearance which is always highlighted and a lot of popularity. Only a few hours old, the outfit inherent in the body of Baby R has become a netizen spotlight. Siaran radio

In the photo uploaded by Raffi Ahmad, through his personal Instagram account. It looked Raffi held hugging Baby R whose tiny body was enveloped with green towels.

Citing Instagram Accounts, “Fashion_Nagitaslavina”, Friday (26/11/2021) The towel used by Baby R is a baby hooded towel, one of the special Palmerhaus products specialized baby and child product lines, Little Palmerhaus.

Read More: Feeling cheated, Aunt Andriansyah’s father is angry with Doddy Sudrajat

From the statements listed, on the Palmerhaus official website, this type of hooded towel has been sold sold out aka sold out.

Then how much is the price? Well, from the monitoring of MNC Portal Indonesia. When viewed in one e-commerce, this baby r towel turns out to be cheap! Only priced at a price below Rp. 200,000. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

One of the online merchants, selling one piece of baby hooded towel just like this belongs to Baby R only cost Rp161,000.

The price of ‘Sultan’ children’s towers, which turned out to be affordable, made the fans of the Raffi-Nagita family become excited, because they could buy it without making a hubborn bag. Acara televisi

“Alhamdulillah, there are some sebrand with mama teeth,” write the Ikamudri account

“Affordable mothers, let’s hurry on Market Place,” Write a netizen account owner named Shivaanin

“It is the top, the price is friendly,” wrote a LULYSHU account

“Finally it can be with Baby Sultan,” write a risk account.

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Feeling cheated, Aunt Andriansyah’s father is angry with Doddy Sudrajat

Faisal, the father of the late Aunt Andriansyah, was furious and cursed his mother, Doddy Sudrajat. Faisal admitted that he was upset because he felt that Doddy was playing with the rights of Gala Sky’s guardian Andriansyah, Vanessa and Bibi’s only son. Sejarah radio dan televisi

The reason is that Doddy is now questioning custody, even trying to apply for guardianship rights to the court. In fact, according to Faisal, initially Doddy had agreed that Gala Sky’s guardianship would be given to Bibi’s family.

Read More: Revealed the figure of Zakry Sulisto, husband of Velove Vexia, a wealthy businessman from Aceh

“Well my emotions. Who doesn’t get emotional?” Faisal told reporters recently.

Faisal feels cheated by Doddy Sudrajat. Because after asking for a signature for the disbursement of Vanessa Angel’s death insurance, Doddy Sudrajat changed his mind instead. Siaran radio

“Do you feel cheated? I said, why is that, Mr. Doddy. Yesterday Mr. Doddy acc. to guardianship. Why do you want guardianship now. So what is this called? I am tired of this, Mr. Doddy. I am stressed, my favorite child, my precious child is gone,” said Faisal imitating his conversation with Dody Sudrajat.

Faisal was tired, especially when he found out that Dody Sudrajat had secretly submitted a guardian’s right to the Gala Sky to the court.

“Please, Mr. Doddy, I am tired. This is me trying to help my son and Mr. Doddy’s son. If I don’t speak from the start, I will not be tired of going to court,” said Faisal.

However, Faisal denied that he had cursed Dody Sudrajat. He emphasized that at that time he was angry because he felt that Doddy Sudrajat had cheated.

“We both think. He has won. I feel cheated. He lied. So what can I say. I don’t curse at him. I have signed. Actually if I wanted to tear the signature paper, I would I can. Because my head is hot, I don’t want to go too far, “explained Faisal passionately. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

Faisal emphasized that he had no problem with Dody Sudrajat wanting to disburse Vanessa’s deceased insurance, which was in his name.

“I don’t have a problem (about insurance). But after signing, he wants guardianship. Does that mean Mr. Doddy wants everything, right? If he could afford it, there’s been a lot of (bad news about Doddy Sudrajat) so far, how do I hand over my grandson to him,” concluded Faisal. Acara televisi

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Revealed the figure of Zakry Sulisto, husband of Velove Vexia, a wealthy businessman from Aceh

Suami Velove Vexia (instagram)

The beautiful actress Velove Vexia recently announced her marriage to the man she loves. She uploaded an intimate photo with her husband on her personal Instagram account on Tuesday (23/11/2021). Sejarah radio dan televisi

Artists and netizens flocked to congratulate Velove’s wedding.

Read More: Two Weeks Since Vanessa Angel’s Funeral, Nicky Tirta Still Not Able To Visit

The netizens also wondered about the lucky man who became Velove Vexia’s husband. His figure that does not show his face clearly in the photo makes netizens curious.

Launching from various sources, it is known that the figure of Velove Vexia’s husband is Zakry Sulisto. Check out some interesting information about the following Velove husband. Siaran radio

1 Nephew Suryo B. Sulisto

Zakry Sulisto is suspected to be the nephew of the Commissioner of PT Bumi Resources, Suryo B Sulisto. Based on information from various sources, the kinship is known because racer Imam Sulisto has uploaded several intimate moments of Velove with Zakry and his family.

The figure of Suryo B Sulisto is someone whose name is quite well known in the national arena. He has the position of President Commissioner of PT. Bumi Resources since May 2012.

He also founded the Satmarindo Group and became Chairman of the Honorary Board of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) for the 2015-2020 term. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

2 successful entrepreneurs

Zakry Sulisto works as a successful and wealthy stock entrepreneur. Not only that, Zakry, who is known to be from Aceh, also serves as CEO of a company located in the South Jakarta area.

3 Figures that are quite closed

The figure of Zakry, who is well known among businessmen, is not yet well known to the public. The proof is that when Velove announced their marriage, many people were curious about the figure of her husband. Acara televisi

Zakry is known to have an Instagram account with the account name Zakry.s. Unfortunately the account is private so not everyone can freely view the upload.

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Two Weeks Since Vanessa Angel’s Funeral, Nicky Tirta Still Not Able To Visit

Two weeks ago, Vanessa Angel and her husband, Aunt Andriansyah, were buried at the Malacca Islamic TPU.

The husband and wife pair died in an accident on the Jombang Toll Road, last November 4.

However, Nicky Tirta is still unable to make a pilgrimage to Vanessa Angel’s grave. Sejarah radio dan televisi

It’s still hard for Nicky Tirta to go on a pilgrimage to Vanessa’s grave who once stayed in his heart.

He doesn’t know when he will be able and brave to go on a pilgrimage, but what is certain is that in the near future Nicky is not ready.

Read More: Heboh Film ‘All Too Well’ Taylor Swift, Ini Respons Jake Gyllenhaal

“Until now, if asked, for example, whether I have been to his grave or not, I have not,” said Nicky Tirta in Gandarita City, South Jakarta, Friday (11/19/2021). Siaran radio

Nicky Titrta is happy because many make a pilgrimage to the grave of his former lover.

However, Nicky needs time alone if he later ventures to make a pilgrimage to Vanessa’s grave.

“Because there must be a lot of people there, but I don’t want to be (crowded),” said Nicky.

“I want to be alone because I really want to see (the grave),” he continued. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

[Nicky Tirta was in shock and immediately went blank when he heard the news of Vanessa’s accident that caused the deceased to die.

Even Nicky, who at that time was with his son, immediately went blank, his mind was confused between sadness and disbelief.

The relationship between Nicky Tirta and Vanessa is still maintained even though they are both happy with their respective partners. Acara televisi

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Heboh Film ‘All Too Well’ Taylor Swift, Ini Respons Jake Gyllenhaal

The song and short film All Too Well from Taylor Swift immediately became trending after being released some time ago.

All Too Well is said to tell the story of Swift’s love journey with her ex-boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal.

Read More: Before Blowing Her Last Breath, Vanessa Angel Had To Do This To The Son, Witness: Yes, I Saw His Hand.

The farewell song has scathing lyrics that satirize Jake. As a result, the release of Swift’s latest work immediately became a public talk. Sejarah radio dan televisi

Since its release, the name of the Spider-Man: Far from Home actor has immediately become trending on several social media. After a long silence, Jake finally gave a response to this.

A source said Jake Gyllenhaal was not at all interested and did not read any news. Siaran radio

“Jake isn’t interested in any of that. He doesn’t read the gossip or pay attention to it,” a source said.

The source added that the actor is now only focusing on himself and ignoring any unpleasant words from the public.

“He lives his life and focuses on himself. He ignores all the noise,” he added.

Meanwhile, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jake’s sister, admitted that many people had asked about the whereabouts of the red scarf that Swift had left at her house. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

“You know, I never understood why everyone was asking me about this scarf. What’s this?,” Maggie quoted E! News.

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal were dating in 2010. The relationship lasted only three months. Acara televisi

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Before Blowing Her Last Breath, Vanessa Angel Had To Do This To The Son, Witness: Yes, I Saw His Hand.

The departure of Vanessa Angel and her husband last Thursday (4/11/2021), of course, left many people sad.

Not only in the hearts of family and friends, fans of Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah are also sad.

Read More: Ever Traumatized Setting Feet in Surabaya, Vanessa Angel ‘Licks Your Own Saliva’, Milano Lubis Shocked

How come? So far, Vanessa Angel and her husband are known as a humorous and tough couple. Sejarah radio dan televisi

If we look back a little, Vanessa is also a tough woman.

In a video on Denny Sumargo’s YouTube channel (28/7/2021), Vanessa said that she had to drop out of school to support her family. Siaran radio

The story begins when Vanessa Angel’s father sees his son has great potential to become a famous artist in Indonesia.

Therefore, since she was a teenager, Vanessa has participated in photo shoots with various magazines.

“Actually, I don’t want to be an artist. It’s not what I want, I used to be a tomboy, playing hot basketball,” Vanessa said.

Until finally, Vanessa managed to get into artist management and she had to quit school to support her family.

One thing that makes Vanessa disappointed is that she does not know the amount of honor she receives. Peralatan dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga

All of Vanessa’s hard-earned money is managed by her father because Vanessa is still young.

At that time, Vanessa felt sad because she lost her youth because she had to work. Acara televisi

“How come I’m told to keep looking for money, but why can’t I play? How come I can’t go to school? I can’t get my rights but I always have to do my obligations,” Vanessa said, quoted by from

Apart from that, there is a more heartbreaking story than the fatal accident that resulted in Vanessa and Bibi’s death.

According to eyewitnesses who were at the scene, Aris Salim, a pineapple trader, admitted to witnessing these touching moments.

Aris Salim said that Vanessa gave her son Gala Sky Ardiansyah the last wave before taking his last breath.

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